Tag: Tesla Motors

Posts related to Tesla Motors

Could the Hyperloop transportation concept from Tesla Crack the Sales Ban in Texas
Tesla Motor is not allowed to sell their cars in Texas. With much hoolaballoo, uproar, and tumult, Texas Automobile Dealers Association lobbied to lawmakers and won.
Texas Law Doesn’t Allow Tesla to Directly Sell EVs to Consumers

Law makers have failed to vote in a two-month effort bills which will allow Tesla Motors to sell electric vehicles directly to their clients.

The current law actually prevents factory-owned companies from selling directly to the public, these bills would have made an exemption to it. These two Tesla driven bills didn’t even make it to the floor, indicating that the company had a very long wait before they can bring it before the Texas Legislators again during this year. The first attempt was made in 2013.

Tesla has a way of bending such rules in Texas by having retail outlets where potential buyers may learn about the company, though the staff employed are not allowed to engage in any direct sales of any sorts.

The company has taken up the matter within other states as well, where it has seen some success, such as in Massachusetts and New York. It’s also won at least [...]

Tesla Model X
The Tesla Model X may take a while before it hits the roads but the world can have a glimpse on what it can offer.

Most car industry insiders know that this car will share a platform with Tesla’s current Model S sedan. It will also be fitted with roof-hinged falcon doors which will give it a virile and robust look.

But most car enthusiasts won’t suspect that the Tesla Model X has a secret, and a good one at that: the car is equipped with enough power that it can tow another vehicle.

This battery electric vehicle will be available with a factory-installed hitch. It is going to be the first time this is done for a car in this class. Most other electric cars are offered aftermarket hitch kits.

When Tesla Motors informed car reservation holders listed on the Tesla Motors Club forum (through Clean Technica) about the car model’s production delay, the [...]

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